Friday, March 15, 2013

Do you ever feel like its all your fault?

Today my question to you all is it always your fault? I learned at a class I attended that you should just say okay and smile when you dont want to arque, I have tried that this week but I would have to say I think this is my Husband ManPMS week because everything I say or do is wrong. I know he has alot of stress on him now that he is running his own business but is that truelly a reason to be crancky all the time? It does take time to build right? Or am I wrong? What do you think Doe men Have PMS and its all your fault that week?

Friday, March 1, 2013

Quote of the day

" Men often become what they believe themselves to be. If I believe I cannot do something, it makes me incapable of doing it. But when I believe I can, then I acquire the ability to it - even if I do not have it in the beginning."Mahatma Gandhi

This is for you men I want you to know this is not a bash men sight. Its a learning site so please post on any subject so we as women can figure it out..

Ask anything you would like.

Today I open up the blog to you. What do you want to know about men or any of there habits? I have a man here today that's willing to answer any question(within Reason) please keep it clean. He says hes open to reveal all about men, Although he keeps telling me there is nothing to know. So ask you questions be specific an lets get some answers women. Have fun with this.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

What to do with your time?

Today I'm thinking why are men so unpredictable? One day they want nothing to do with you and the next all they want to do is hang out with you. So how do you in your life keep a good balance between not too much but not to little either. Do you find you can tell a man you need a little space and they take it personally? Maybe there is another fabulous way to say that let me know if you have a way. Also when you say I would like to spend the day with you, plain and simple do they have a hard time comprehending that?  They question what do you mean like go to movie maybe dinner. My answer is no I just want to spend some time together maybe talk(oh No) what could that mean. Go for a drive. Lets not do the typical Dinner and a movie. Its a very hard concept for my spouse. Also how many of you have problems with cell phones? Even when asked if he could put it away does he continue on it?

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

How do you love your Man?

How are ways that your spouse or significant other show you they care about your? What are ways we as the other party can do the same thing? What is it that you would love to see your man do for you? I was at a meeting last night and so many of the women had, Had alot of bad experiences with men. So I ask what is it that makes some of us believe that men are a horrible bunch of people? Today you can vent about a man or a past man in your life but after that lets put a positive spin on it. What is it that you love about the men in your life?

Monday, February 25, 2013

Todays Question?

What is a question you have about men that maybe one of the other who reads this blog can help answer? Please comment below?

My Question today is why is it so hard for a man to remember a schedule tend to the kids and keep the house somewhat the way I left it? I don't know if this happens to everyone but I find when I have to leave all hell( pardon the language) breaks loose. Appointments are missed, dance lesson are forgotten, dinner is fend for yourself or if your to young for that ask your sister. And my house I think we are at World War 5000 in our house because after being gone just an evening or maybe over night my house has another world war. So what do you do to keep them on task, to help them remember, to give them ideas for dinner and to get the kids to do chores? Mind you there is a board on the wall in my kitchen that has the kids list of activities days and times. Also there are cute chore charts below that, That tell exactly what the kids need to do that day. For dinner we have a freezer full of easy food and a pantry like you wouldnt believe ( with lots of mac and cheese and soup for just that easy meal). So Again I say What to do What to do!!!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

When did men stop being gentleman?

My next question is What do you do to have a man be a gentleman around you? I know you have been together a long time but is it okay for a man to let there gas out around you? Is it okay that they you language that they shouldn't use? What has happened that these things are okay? When did men quit opening doors for us? When did they stop pulling out our chairs or picking up the tab?When did they stop using their manners? And why do we never receive flowers?